söndag 21 augusti 2011

Eagle hide/Örngömsle

My new tree hide is almost done. I think we should get som really good eagle pictures from here, but also good pictures of Ravens, varios small birds, Red fox etc. If you are intrested visit my website. www.connylundstrom.com

My new tree hide.

torsdag 11 augusti 2011

Eagle hide

Today we finished the wall on my new tree hide. Here we can see Vitbergen nature reserve looking out through the photo holes.

måndag 8 augusti 2011

Autumn colors

A picture from last fall. I always try to shoot the Golden eagle on bare ground before the snow made the landscape white. I will do the same this year, if anyone are interested in an attempt to photograph the Golden eagle in autumn colors please contact me. www.connylundstrom.com Click Rentals.

måndag 1 augusti 2011

Northern Hawk Owl and Siberian Jay.

This morning from Vitbergen.